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Wandering fun with Stevenson
From the dark cliffs of Caerketton, on through Edinburgh to the great North Berwick coast, the Lothians inspired the young Robert Louis Stevenson. He used his memories of it in his first childish fiction through to his last writing in exotic Samoa where he died aged 44. It still inspires.
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And find his sparkling words and memories as fresh as ever.
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What's New!
The Stevenson Oracle
Just ask it any question and Stevenson will answer. It likes being asked for a story. We use a tailored version of Open AI's GPT-3
The answers may amaze you or simply make you gasp!

A new book by RLS; well, cheating slightly! Aged 12 he wrote the first chapter of a story The Wreckers; now The Wreckers Tale. .
How can you resist?
Washington Square in 1888
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