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Some say he was Scotland's greatest author
Some say his fables were amongst his greatest work
So here is YOUR chance. In no more than 350 words enter our FABLE COMPETITION to write a 21st Century Fable in the style of the great master, Robert Louis Stevenson
£500 for Winner - £100 Second
HOW TO ENTER – in 4 easy steps
1. Study the Stevenson Fables – See
Source 1
2. Write your Fable following the rules and guidance - See
It will be judged by the criteria of pleasure to the reader and conformance to Stevenson’s fable style.
The international judging panel is chaired by Alan Taylor, author and journalist.
3. Send your entry as an email to
Make sure the title of your email is the name of your Fable.
Make sure you include your name at the foot of your email.
4. You’re done! Sit back, follow progress and find hints on Twitter, showing your appreciation - See @mrrlsfable
The overall winner and runner-up will be announced at the RLS Conference in Bordeaux on 16-18 June.

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