Exciting Times - RLS Week Beckons
It’s been a while since the last post, but idle we were not. These are exciting times on a whole number of fronts.
With RLS week coming up we’ve published the three Fable Competition prize winners, along with an interesting bonus, an expert commentary by Robert Louis Abrahamson, one of its four judges. Some ideas are floating around for a future competition but they are currently being kept well under control. Running one is a huge amount of work, and fun.
During lockdown we created a set of 5 podcasts of a conversation between RLS and Mark Twain. They met in Washington Square in 1888, but there was relatively little record of their conversation – until now! Launching during RLS week, this will be the first outing into another new direction. Some others are also in the pipeline; no advance teases at this stage, but the scripts are written and ready to go.
The mists are beginning to clear somewhat on how The European Cultural Route ‘In the Footsteps of Robert Louis Stevenson’ might evolve for the future in the Lothians, further afield in Scotland and possibly beyond. A great deal of work will be going on behind the scenes to set a strategy and then put it in place. The MrRLS website will be a key part of that long term future.
And as if that is not enough we enjoyed being part of the bid by North Berwick in the Britain in Bloom Competition in which they won the first prize, a gold award, for being the best seaside town. The team that won used Scotland's Year of Stories and Stevenson as their theme. The pictures in this blog show magnificent flowers and some MrRLS posters.